
Dream Big for #GDP029

“Heal the past, live the present, dream the future.”

~Mary Engelbreit

What an unusual color combination to work with in the springtime!  The color challenge over at the Global Design Project at this week is certainly different, but I combined it with another challenge, the Mojo Monday Sketch Challenge, and it was the perfect duo!

Mojo Monday Sketch Challenge MOJO441

I had a “big dream” for today’s card, but I also had a big dream this Easter weekend.  When my father-in-law and mother-in-law were first married, they were living overseas.  My mother-in-law decided to make her new husbands favorite pie…lemon meringue.  If you’ve ever made this pie, you know that it is labor intensive, and that meringue is always tricky.  Well, she slaved over this pie in a tiny little kitchen, and was quite proud of her accomplishment.  When my father-in-law tasted it, he remarked, “it’s good, but it’s not like my mothers.  She made “birds” on the meringue.”  Needless to say, my mother-in-law has NEVER made him another lemon meringue pie.  So, as they were coming to my house for Easter dinner, I decided to attempt a lemon meringue pie.  I wanted the meringue to “bead”…my mom always told me that was the sign of a good meringue.  Guess what…the big dream came true…it beaded!!!  : )  Ha ha, we dream big, but we enjoy the small things.  : )  Hope you had a beautiful Easter or Spring weekend. xoxo

Easter, #GDP029 001

And here’s my card for the two challenges, made with the “Enjoy the Little Things” stamp set and the Arrows and the Boho Chic Embossing Folders:

Easter, #GDP029 008

The card is 5″ square, so I had to make an envelope to fit it!

Easter, #GDP029 009

Have a wonderful week,


Some love for #GDP019

#GDP019 007

“And now these three remain:  faith, hope and love.  But the greatest of these is love.”

1 Corinthians 13:13

The theme is LOVE over at the Global Design Project this week.  Hope you have time to hop over to and see all the different creations that the designers and players have come up with!  I wanted to make a card for my best friend from college whose mom passed this week, and I wanted to try out the new “You’ve Got This” stamp set. This is what I came up with!  I used the Brick Wall Embossing Folder on the Tip Top Taupe base of the 5″ square card, signifying “I’m here for you like a rock” (or brick, as the case may be), but I also made a second 5 1/2″ square card without the embossing.  As always, it’s a lot of fun to play along with the Global Design Project!

#GDP019 008